Fuchun_A30 LIMITED 1/10


Fuchun_A30 LIMITED 1/10


Section_A30 of
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Limited in 10 editions
1248px * 1248px
Digital image
Custom software/Photoshop/

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Blockchain Art Collection

This artwork is limited with 10 edition based within bitcoin's block chain database. The certificate of the authenticity and transaction proof of the sold edition will be store along with the image code permanently on the block chain’s decentralized database by encoding it into a standard Bitcoin transaction. No single entity has the power to alter or truncate these messages, so certificate of this digital art collection is get stored and notarized forever in human history.

The Original Painting

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (Chinese: 富春山居圖) is one of the few surviving works by painter Huang Gongwang (1269–1354) and it is considered to be among his greatest works. Painted between 1348 and 1350, the Chinese landscape painting was burnt into two pieces in 1650. Today, one piece is kept in the Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou, while the other piece is kept in the National Palace Museum in Taipei. The entire painting combined would measure 691.3 cm in length.

Origin section of the source painting.

Read more about Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

This Art Project

Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains (富川山居图) is a generative digital art installation that created by artists Caoyuxi studio as part of hIs QRC(Quick Response Code) project, which is using the halftone pattern machine learning technique to transform visually random QR code pattern into human readable image but still keep the original scanning function of QR code.

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QR Code

QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode). The QRC(Quick Response Code) is a digital contemporary art project started by Cao Yuxi Studio in 2019. The core concept of the project is based on the digital totem of the era totem represented by the QR code image style, and further re-examine the digital age of the new era.

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